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Brazil is still the leading country in the number of labor claims in the world. The laws governing Labor Law are broad, which makes it necessary for companies and entrepreneurs to be constantly updated with the most modern understandings of the courts at the national level.

We provide advice in both litigation and consultative / preventive areas, guiding as to the correct application of individual and collective labor legislation, both to the ENTREPRENEUR and to the EMPLOYEE / EMPLOYEE.

Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the firm, its performance is marked by integration with other areas of law, such as civil, tax and corporate, with highly qualified professionals prepared for all types of assistance in a personalized way.


  • Extrajudicial agreements;

  • Individual complaints;

  • Collective actions and public civil actions proposed by unions and the Public Labor Ministry (PLM);

  • Administrative proceedings resulting from inspection by the Public Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Labor and Employment;

  • Personalized follow-up in all Courts;

  • Preparation of management reports with procedural and statistical data for monitoring, evaluation and management of labor litigation.

  • Hiring and international transfer of expatriate employees, Brazilian or foreign;

  • Hiring and dismissing employees and executives;

  • Collective bargaining with unions from different sectors;

  • Elaboration of internal regime;

  • Preparation of a commercial representation contract;


  • Legal review of salary and benefit structures;

  • Outsourcing services and hiring suppliers and independent representatives;

  • Advice on collective bargaining;

  • Assistance for the elaboration of labor contracts, collective agreements, internal policies, among others;

  • Preparation of opinions on labor matters;

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