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Choreographies and Copyright Law

Choreographies are protected under copyright law in the same manner as compositions, films, and general works of art.

It is of utmost importance to highlight that the choreographer/dancer has the right to enjoy the significant outcomes of their productions and performances.

It is crucial to remember that for it to be valid, the choreographer's idea must be externalized in a physical, tangible or intangible manner. Moreover, it must possess originality, which is the most significant point of emphasis, meticulously describing the movements by creating a "choreographic score."

With these requirements in hand, the author of the choreography will be able to exercise their copyright over their work and, consequently, be compensated whenever the choreography is reproduced!

It is emphasized that it is not the style of dance that receives legal protection but the choreography itself. Therefore, if future dance styles were to be created, they obviously would not fall under copyright protection.

Therefore, it is very important that you consult a specialist to review your contracts so that you can practice this beautiful profession with all your choreographic rights protected!

Annie Santos Ponce Montini

OAB/SP 360.523


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