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Montini e Ponce Law Firm offers its clients qualified legal advice on social security issues. The team dedicated to the subject has knowledge and experience to provide agile, precise and technical advice in the development of the following activities:


  • Legal diligence in the area of ​​public and private pensions;

  • Representation in administrative and judicial proceedings involving private pension plans and their officers;

  • Legal advice on the formatting of benefit plan regulations, adherence agreements and internal regulations in the private pension plan.

  • Consultancy and guidance on transferring management, withdrawing sponsorship, modifying or terminating private pension plans;

  • Representation in administrative and judicial processes, linked to the requirement of social contributions from the employer, to cover social security;

  • Legal advice in the area of ​​social security;

  • Representation in court in labor claims involving issues related to public and private pension plans;

    • Follow-up on processes for granting and reviewing:

  • Sickness allowance;

  • By disability retirement;

  • Accident assistance;

  • Retirement by age;

  • Retirement by time of contribution;

  • Special retirement;

  • Death pension;

  • Imprisonment assistance;




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