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Privacy Policy and Terms of Use


Privacy Notice


We, at Montini and Ponce Law Firm, CNPJ 47.285.298/0001-97, registered with the OAB/SP under number 44275, located at Rua Augusta, 101, 10th floor, Suite 1017 - Consolação - São Paulo/SP, ZIP Code: 01305-000, Brazil, take the handling of our clients' and employees' personal data seriously. This Privacy Notice aims to clarify how we process your personal data, as well as inform you of your rights as the Data Subject and how you can exercise them.


Why do we process your personal data?


The collection aims to improve navigation, understand the user's access profile, and, by filling in the contact terms to get in touch with us, you expressly accept that our law firm may send emails with articles, contacts, and legal marketing activities, as allowed by the Ethics Council of the OAB.


1. What do you need to know to understand this notice?


Useful definitions:


  • Personal Data: Information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

  • Processing: The use of your Personal Data, including collection, storage, use, sharing, etc.

  • Data Subject: You, to whom the data refers.

  • Company: Montini and Ponce Law Firm.

2. What personal data do we process?


Depending on your relationship with us, we may process data such as your name, phone number, email, ID, CPF (Brazilian Social Security Number), marital status, sex, profession, nationality, address, and resume or presentation document. If a company, the corporate name, trade name, CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), State Registration (IE), Municipal Registration (IM), contacts, phone number, email, address, and responsible parties.


3. Who does the company share your personal data with?


We operate in partnership with companies such as Google and Thomson Reuters, as well as marketing partners from the WIX site, always in an anonymized form, when possible.


4. Your rights as the data subject


You have rights guaranteed by Brazilian legislation, such as access, correction, anonymization, blocking or deletion, portability, information about sharing, and revocation of consent.


5. How long will your personal data be stored?


We store your data for as long as necessary to fulfill the collected purposes, respecting current legislation.


6. How do we protect your personal data?


We adopt advanced security measures to protect your data. In case of a leak, we will communicate the incident via email, conduct an internal audit, and report to the National Data Protection Agency (ANPD).


7. How to talk about personal data with us?


To exercise your rights or ask questions, contact us via The Data Protection Officer is Nelson Alexander Schepis Montini.


8. Changes to the Privacy Notice


This Notice may be updated annually. We recommend periodically visiting this page to be informed about modifications.


9. Consent for Marketing Communications


By accepting the terms of this Notice, you expressly agree that Montini and Ponce Law Firm may use your personal data to send emails, informative messages, newsletters, and similar communications. You may revoke this consent at any time through the "unsubscribe" link in the emails received or by contacting us.

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