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Criminal law has become more complex over the past few years, with the multiplication of criminal rules involving tax and economic order, cyber crimes, against the environment, among others, maintaining the challenge of acting in a personalized and focused on delivering the best results to Customers.


We operate throughout the national territory, providing individualized legal support from the investigative phase to the criminal process, acting in all instances, at the federal and state levels, including the Superior Court of Justice and the Supreme Federal Court.


In addition to the traditional performance in the police and judicial spheres, we also support our Clients in strategic situations such as crisis management, legal advice, interaction with professionals from other areas of knowledge.








Performance in the advisory sphere aiming to prevent criminal liability arising from crimes committed by third parties, as well as curb crimes committed by employees and / or partners against the company.




Preparation of legal opinions and opinions on criminal matters, participation in meetings and appearances at courts and tribunals to monitor depositions and hearings.




Advisory and monitoring of preliminary administrative procedures, and defense in investigations and prosecutions in all instances and Courts in the country.




Assistance and monitoring of armed forces professionals in preliminary administrative procedures, and defense in investigations and prosecutions in the country's military courts.



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