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By virtue of Law 13.709 / 18, effective as of 09/18/2020, all service and commercial companies must comply with the law, even the self-employed professional without a legal entity.


The LGPD aims to make the internet a safe environment for users. Influenced by the European General Data Protection Regulation (EGDPR). It brings strict rules for personal data processing agents, whether companies, agencies, digital businesses or public bodies, where their economic sanctions can reach a simple fine of up to 2% (two percent) of the legal entity's billing private, group or conglomerate in Brazil in its last year, excluding taxes, limited in total to R $ 50,000,000.00 (fifty million reais) for an infraction, therefore, adaptation by all professionals is necessary, to avoid fines and inconvenience.

Faced with this theme, Montini e Ponce Law Firm developed a didactic methodology for teaching professionals and entrepreneurs from all areas, aiming at the education and implementation of the norms in their companies and businesses.


Our assistance regarding the subject occurs:


  • Demands arising from an online consumer contract;

  • Suppression of unfair competition;

  • Suppression of diversion, theft and leakage of information;

  • Removal of content and websites;

  • Search and seizure of data and equipment;

  • Litigation;

  • Elaboration and analysis of partnership and service and supply contracts;

  • Elaboration of customer service procedures over the internet;

  • Preparation and / or review of Electronic Contracts and Terms of Use and policies applicable to the business;

  • Analysis of legal viability of new digital businesses;

  • Analysis of legal viability of new businesses;

  • Consultancy;

  • Education and implementation for employees and collaborators;


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