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We have a team dedicated to assisting companies in importing foreign labor to Brazil. This team guides its clients in the necessary procedures for receiving foreigners, acting simultaneously on several fronts, such as immigration, labor, corporate and tax law.


The focus of this area is, essentially, consultative and preventive, aiming to provide the necessary clarifications to the company that intends to receive expatriates, as well as to avoid contingencies, liabilities and responsibilities. Although the office is not directly involved in bureaucratic procedures for obtaining visas and / or authorizations, it works in close partnership with companies specializing in these procedures, both to discuss the best alternative and to solve problems, always acting with creativity and focus on client:


  • Issues related to the expatriate's return to their country of origin;

  • Expatriation policy forecast;

  • Compensation plan for foreigners who will provide services with or without employment in Brazil;

  • Structuring employment or service contracts with expatriates;

  • Analysis of the situation of the foreigner who intends to enter Brazil - verification of the need for a visa and / or authorization;

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