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The main issues dealt with in the family and succession areas almost always cause emotional and psychological distress to the parties involved, demanding from the lawyer a special vocation, which is not restricted to the search for the correct application of the law and combative defense of the interests of his client. Many of the family conflicts arise because the parties involved are completely unaware of the main family rules and successions. Others are perpetuated over time by the absence of correct advice and strategically wrong decisions.


Our advisory and / or litigation practice involves:


  • Food (request for concession, review, exoneration and execution);

  • Marriage (property regime and prenuptial agreement);

  • Divorce;

  • Donation;

  • Guard and regulation of visits by minors;

  • Interdiction;

  • Family and succession planning;

  • Inventory and listing;

  • Affiliation (adoption and paternity investigation);

  • Precautionary measure for the listing of assets;

  • Precautionary measure of separation of bodies;

  • Sharing of goods;

  • Testaments;

  • Guardianship;

  • Stable union (recognition and dissolution).



  • Preparation of wills;

  • Preparation of prenuptial pacts;

  • Stable union and dating contracts;

  • Appointment of tutors and trustees;

  • Agreements related to family matters and successions;

  • Opinions related to family matters and successions;



  • Reorganization of family assets or family business through the creation of companies, mergers, spin-offs, incorporations and changes in the corporate type;

  • Incorporation of companies aimed at estate planning;

  • Structuring and / or organizing the family business with a view to succession issues;

  • Structuring and / or organizing family assets with a view to succession issues;

  • Estate planning (family and succession);

  • Rectification of civil registry;

  • Investigation and recognition of paternity;

  • Food execution;

  • Food, custody and visits;

  • Guardianship, trusteeship and interdiction;

  • Will and inventory;

  • Sharing, over-sharing and listing of goods;

  • Recognition and dissolution of stable union;

  • Separation of bodies;

  • Divorce and legal separation;

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