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Our office has specific service for your company or business, whatever the branch, having:


  • We carry out credit recovery and collections through administrative or judicial means (click here to learn more).

  • Issuance of electronic contact by electronic or digital signature, with certification and judicial guarantee, meeting all legal formalities, thus guaranteeing the effectiveness of a physical, however, digital contract;

  • Issuance of e-cnpj, e-cpf or professional digital certificate;

  • Issuance of several types of certificates, such as vehicles, real estate, asset search, credit analysis, insurance analysis, Score analysis and default analysis;

  • We have partnership and contract analysis, aiming that the company and its client, before entering into the partnership or the business has a forecast of success or not, according to complete and complex analyzes, which include the analysis of the market, credit, situation legal and financial status of the partner or client.

  • Business contracts: negotiation, preparation, review and discussion of contractual drafts;

  • Business litigation: filing of lawsuits and presentation of defenses, including in second instance and higher courts;

  • Trademarks and patents: responses to consultations and preparation of legal opinions and adoption of judicial and extrajudicial measures based on the Industrial Property Law;

  • Copyright and Copyright Records;





It aims to clarify technical doubts that may arise during the day-to-day business administration, as well as consulting for future plans of companies, also acting in corporate litigation and in the resolution of bureaucracies before government agencies, such as Commercial Boards, Federal Revenue, Bank Central, among others.





Our Compliance and Internal Investigations area assists companies of all types and institutions in identifying risks, preventing and remedying contingent liabilities.


The office's activities include:


  • Adequacy to LGPD;

  • Defense in administrative and judicial proceedings;

  • Negotiation of leniency agreements;

  • Review of Internal Controls;

  • Review and implementation of Compliance Programs and Internal Policies;

  • Trainings;

  • Interviews with administrators, employees and third parties;

  • Internal Investigations;

  • Audits;


Our partners are also on call for you or your company, where we have a partnership with insurance companies to carry out business planning and life planning.


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