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The firm recognizes itself as a full service not only because it offers services in all areas of law, but because they communicate. This interdisciplinarity allows us to act on complex demands in civil litigation, adding knowledge from different areas and professionals. The commitment is with the result, the best technical solution and the practice to the client, under a strictly business perspective.


We need to value the relationship and loyalty of our customers, especially when it comes to litigation. The legal technique combined with the knowledge of the field in which our clients are inserted makes all the difference in the defense of interests in a practical way and with effective results.


The civil area needs to reinvent itself on a daily basis, respecting the peculiarities of each sector of the economy, the size and the individual needs of each client. This is the challenge, to be prepared for highly complex demands in scale litigation, with a focus, with real and possible solutions that positively impact the results expected by clients.


The performance of the office involves related issues:


  • The interpretation of rules and contracts;

  • The term for the exercise of rights and the loss of rights (decay);

  • Personality and civilian capacity, associations and foundations;

  • The validity of legal transactions, compliance with obligations, all types of contracts (civil, commercial, financial), constitution of guarantees and credit securities;

  • Civil, professional, supplier and manufacturer liability;

  • Business activity and law and de facto societies;

  • The possession, property or condominium of assets and rights of any nature;

  • Kinship relations, marriage, stable union, guardianship and trusteeship;

  • Succession, will, inventories;

  • Corporate Planning: aims at professionalizing business management, updating social contracts and agreements between partners;

  • Succession Planning aims at the transition between the generations of partners;

  • The performance takes place from the realization of legal audit (due diligence) to the preparation of post closing documents to be signed between the parties;




Our team is qualified to advise clients on issues related to existing or potential conflicts, in the most diverse fields of business activity, quickly and effectively, in order to achieve the best results in all phases of the dispute.


The firm acts with solid experience in representing clients in the administrative and judicial spheres, as well as in arbitration proceedings.


Additionally, it advises clients in defining strategies for resolving disputes, whether in the judicial sphere or in extrajudicial negotiations, including among the activities:


  • Analysis of commercial relations aiming at the prevention and / or resolution of conflicts;

  • Expertise in administrative, judicial, arbitration and mediation procedures in the most diverse subjects; especially those related to contracts, damages, banking law and corporate conflicts;

  • Homologation and execution of foreign judgments in Brazil, as well as citations and instructions of foreign jurisdictional acts;

  • Legal audits (due diligence) through the analysis of existing legal demands and potential contingencies, as well as the analysis of procedures and strategies adopted in judicial processes with risk assessment and quantification;

  • Pre-procedural action in the litigation, aiming at the prevention of legal actions and the solution of pending issues through alternative dispute resolution;

  • Assistance in the conclusion of new business and preparation of contractual instruments aimed at protecting the interests of clients, enhancing their position in the event of litigation.

The cases are followed up at all stages, directly, by the responsible partners, generating efficiency, creative and innovative solutions, as well as results aligned to the clients' expectations.


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